Explore the benefits of Serial Fermentation in winemaking


The attraction your customers have to a quality red wine goes beyond a pleasant scent and rich flavor profile. “When it comes to wine,” says Blake Bomben, Business Development Manager at Ravago Chemicals North America, “people drink with their eyes.” From the delicate translucent red of a light-bodied Pinot Noir, to the deep ruby red of […]

Great Seltzers start with Great Water

Water Filters

Like it or not, it looks like hard seltzers and buzzy hard sodas are here to stay!  And that’s good news for brewers and fermenters alike as you’ve already got the equipment and tools on hand to whip up some of these tasty, refreshing beverages.  What could be simple, water, some sugar (usually dextrose) and yeast and […]

A Green Clean to Make you Sing!

Green brewery cleaner

Looking for a cleaning agent that is most commonly used by the pros? Have some environment regulations that you need to meet…or you just want to find a product that is considered more environmentally safe? Check out Sterox, a chlorine-free, caustic-free powder agent that can make your process shine! Sterox is an oxygen-based cleaning agent that has […]

A better clean. With Kemphos.

beer taps

After a long and stressful fermenting process, no one wants to face the disappointment of running into contamination from your equipment. Yet this is altogether too common. Small amounts of debris left over from previous batches, that little bit of residue left in the transfer line, or the odor left in the tanks or vats […]

Rehydrating Yeast (hydrated yeast = happy yeast)

rehydrate your wine yeast

Why do you have to rehydrate yeast? Why follow all of the meticulous steps to rehydrate yeast? After all, you could just chuck it into solution and it would work. But that’s not the ideal situation. When you make yeast, you grow it in solution “in vivo” and it’s fermenting. Then in order to package […]

The History of Yeast (part 2)

Part 2- History of Yeast

This is part 2 of our History of Yeast series! Read part 1 here.  Initially, all that was done with these scientific advances was to duplicate the existing practice in winemaking and brewing. Large winery and brewery operations isolated their own strains, cleaned up any spoilage organisms, and then grew their desired historically derived selection to […]

The History of Yeast (part 1)

The History of Yeast

In the introductory blog in the Wine Series, we took a look at why it is important to rehydrate yeast properly. In the future, we will talk about and compare and contrast specific strains of yeast. But before we get into what the differences are between specific yeasts, we should take a look at how the yeasts […]